2013年10月2日 星期三


 Queen Snow White, be generous to reveal
if loneliness singularly runs through the wheel
of your clock, monotonously clicking in the air
but pure beauty each of the flower will declare

白雪皇后   可否大方告知
你的時鐘 天際單調地卡卡卡
卻聲聲宣告 朵朵花開單純至美

Silverily you are painting the blue sky
and brightening the heavenly eye--
spreading a panel of flowering smiles
euphoria reverberated the cosmetic miles

幸福 天地人間連一線

gracefully inviting every passer-by to play
 the innovative a cappella, you alone never delay.
Come and go. Terrestrial percussions renew
felicitous notes the inspiration will imbue

你未曾錯過機緣  身段優雅
敬邀路過遊子 共奏一曲阿卡貝拉
來來去去  此起彼落 迴響不已
幸福的樂章 共振運生

Ingeniously you bring poems, arts and music
to a shared universe--forever classic

如是  你帶來詩畫音樂
給我們共享的宇宙  永恆經典

: 白花美人樹