2013年8月7日 星期三


我的2013練習曲,寫得東倒西歪,塗在紙上文字,蛇行亂撞,總算替腦袋瓜裡的雜蕪開一條路!瞧,這白千層不也是彎彎曲曲爬成自個兒的獨特風格?慣於宅在家裡、埋守書堆、躲在工作背後,卻因為跌了一大跤,摔傷後爬起,學會自己走路,學會走自己的路,白千層上的螺旋(screws),也彷彿說著----Sorry, I screwed up.----但是,繼續行,走著走著,一股勁,爬上樹頭。

Ancient Helix, please tell me how you screw
up towards, not a goal, but the beatitude?
Please reveal the short-cut to cut through
prettily your hard-to-fathom spiral altitude?

Varyingly you bestir yourself forward,
left and right never do you want to stop;
with the meandering paths you go heavenward,
twists and turns, but your goal is on the top.

Despite seniority, an air of respectability
is sustained by crawling but sure action.
Nothing is more admirable than your durability--
perseverance is thus breeding your own fashion.

Humorously are you telling us the royal road,
not far away, but a forever new try after each node...      

老螺旋啊! 請你告訴我
如何節節敗退後  繼續勇往直前?
請你教教我 是不是有捷徑

一成不變 你打起精神向前行
或左或右  永不止息
蜿蜿蜒蜒 履行天路歷程
彎彎曲曲  堅持最高原則

老了  力道猶存
屹立不搖  自創一格

不遠    -----每次打結後重來

