2014年8月4日 星期一


Although both the history of art and the history of science have the same recent origins in the eighteenth-century learning of the European Enlightenment, our inherited habit of separating art from science goes back to the ancient division between liberal and mechanical arts. The separation has had most regrettable consequence. A principal one is our long reluctance to view the process common to both art and science in the same historical perspective. (p.10)
   第三本書,一本新的舊書,G. Kubler這位老兄還挺有見解,我引用第十頁的一段話,原來自古,地球人就把自然與人文分開,這種二分法真慘喔。

Biological time consists of uninterrupted durations of statistically predicable lengths: each organism exists from birth to death upon an expected life-span. Historical time, however, is intermittent than it is continuous, and the intervals between actions are infinitely variable in duration and content. (p.13)

