Is anyone able to challenge John Keats'
Ode on a Grecian Urn, which tersely concludes
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty"--a theme eats
all our originality and more poetry eludes?
Beauty beyond true trees, invisibly obvious
beholders are looking after from Academy to Garden
loitering on the street, visibly mysterious
perceiving burgeoning leaved legend--since ancient to modern
Truth, Magician of beauty, silently defends
nothing but Life and Death, evidently inevitable
mesmerizing followers with always excessive demands
blindingly revealing pretty pages, plainly unreadable...
If beauty without truth or truth without beauty, nothing is possible,
the unheard melody--with beauty and truth--is forever accessible.
"美即是真 真即是美"---一語既出
美 遠遠超越真實之樹 不可見卻明顯
觀 照 追 尋 踏遍學院與花園
漫步街頭 可見卻神秘
洞悉 傳奇片片 從亙古至今
真理 美的魔術師 默默地雄辯滔滔
生死之外 別無他求 無可避免
迷惑追尋者 總是過度予取予求
頓悟的章節 卻又不忍卒讀
美若無真 真若無美 事事皆非