2014年1月10日 星期五

20140111 台大楓香之二


從台大校總部的楓香道,到仁愛路的台大醫學系,漫步,有時雖然心中揹著煩惱,有時無憂無慮,楓葉,總是高傲又親切地看顧,你說,楓香是不是高貴美麗大方的OL (old ladies?)



All stories revolving around you prove
truly apocryphal--nothing verify aging leaves.
Who will believe your ancient branches move
tacitly with fierce North Gentlemen through eves--

Old Ladies, crawling yet waltzing around,
never forget weave a Taipei formation dancing.
Your open theaters momentarily visitors astound
and humble us audience into eternal glancing.

The folk song mixed with purely archaic order
builds up a corridor connecting now and future.
Yellowing triangles extend unto the boarder
comforts, which all wounds will perfectly suture.

Age-old tales never die, yet dying a tableau
to enlighten despondent travelers aglow.

