2014年1月13日 星期一

20140113 黃槿

期末考週,有點「離情依依」,看著學生們奮力寫考卷,怎麼商籟就從腦海奔出。真的是曲終? 等最後一刻? 那種滋味真令人慌又急。來來去去的人生中,我們早已了然,時間到了,就交卷吧! 


Last Moment

How distant is the gap between now and
The Last Moment; silently approaching
False alarms come up and down and
Banish automatically Your warning....

Who can decide the ending of endless game,
playing each instant but flipping nowhere?
Pleasure surges whenever perceiving what came
and passed by accidentally over there...

Forever never happens timely--otherwise
Finality will announce its victorious defeat.
Yet any accomplishment turning clockwise
will arrive at an invisible spot under feet.

Toll is coming, yet unheard of then.
Hope lingers no matter how long within lens.

