2019年8月14日 星期三

20190814讀書筆記Science in Ancient Civilizations?

Lloyd, Geoffrey Ernest Richard. Ancient Worlds, Modern Reflections: Philosophical Perspectives on Greek and Chinese Science and Culture. Oxford: Clarendon P, 2007.

讀第二章 “Science in Ancient Civilizations?”
Lloyd反覆思考一個問題,古代有科學嗎? 思考此問題可以從science一字的模糊定義反省,不過一個字詞的定義往往牽涉文化、社會與歷史脈絡等價值觀:

All descriptive terms carry, potentially, an evaluative charge and this is particularly strong where “science” is concerned, given the place it occupies in today’s world. Besides, the question of the applicability of that term to ancient societies is a classical instance of the methodological problem . . . (12)

職是之故,所謂「不科學的古代」和「科學的現代」這種二分法(Great Divide) 是不可取的。


Yet as is clear from other remarks in Ptolemy, especially, the regularity that was thereby shown to exist in the heavens was considered as a sign not just of predictability and intelligibility, but also of order and of beauty. (20)

觀天象,之人倫,所謂的宇宙秩序(order)藏著倫理;此外,自然本身也是美的最高境界,如John Keats的詩作 “Ode on a Grecian Urn”最後兩行傳達的古希臘理想: “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,” – that is all/Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. 古希臘的科學本身與倫理美學是一體的。

