2019年8月16日 星期五

20190816讀書筆記“Carving out Territories”

Chapter Three “Carving out Territories”
這一章從物理學與數學二學科古今差異與文化意涵談起。我們現在英文用字中物理學(Physics)和生理學(Physiology)都源自同一個希臘文字根: φύσις,此字的基本意義是自然(nature),也是天性,與所謂的迷信、超自然等概念對立。有趣的是,自然包含宇宙萬物、人性…..,所以物理學和醫學在古希臘屬同一學科,即是找到自然最基本的自然原因(natural cause)。數學是甚麼? 數學mathematics一詞源自希臘文字根: μανθάνω,意思是學習。古希臘的數學大師歐幾里德(Euclid)與阿基米德(Archimedes),基本上就是學習大自然的自然道理。

While there was plenty of variation as between different detailed elaborations of five-phase correspondences, they were not in competition with other theories in the way in which, in ancient Greece, atomist theories rivalled continuum ones. Wuxing (五行) was not just one of several rival, radically divergent, doctrines: rather it provided a common language within which variation could be proposed and applied. (28)


Where, in the ancient Greek tradition exemplifies by Euclid, the goal was to deduce the whole of mathematics from a single set of indemonstrable but self-evident axioms, such an ambition was quite foreign to Chinese mathematics right down to modern times. . . . In China, the goal was not axiomatic-deductive demonstration, but to grasp the general principles and persistent patterns that run through and link the whole mathematics. . . .On the contrary, the validation of algorithms is a recurrent concern, to show that they are correct. By their application, as Liu Hui puts it, the values have changed and so truth is preserved.


